EMI shielding film

Shielding film for rigid-flex board
(high step/uneven surface)


  • SP
  • PC/Tablet
  • AUTO
  • TV
  • Other

UL94 VTM-0(Combination with Kapton 50H)
※Kapton® is a registered trademark of DuPont Corporation.

Product Overview

This is a high-frequency shielding film that has good conformability to rigid-flex boards. Due to the increasing functionality of camera modules, there is a demand for high-frequency products even in rigid-flex parts, so SF-FT6010-US-C and SF-FT6015-US-C are developed to meet these demands. Since ultrasonic cleaning may be required for the camera module, both products are designed to withstand ultrasonic cleaning chemicals.


  • Conformabi l ity to high step/uneven surface

    Improves conformability to high step/uneven surface of rigid-flex board

    ・SF-FT6010-US-C:300µm or less

    ・SF-FT6015-US-C:400µm or less

  • High shielding effect

    It can maintain high shielding effect even in the high-frequency range.
    ProductShielding effect
    SF-FT6010-US-CAbove 70dBAbove 75dB
    SF-FT6015-US-CAbove 80dBAbove 90dB
  • Meet ultrasonic cleaning process

    In the cleaning process of the camera module, these two products can withstand ultrasonic cleaning chemicals.

    ※Not compatible with all ultrasonic cleaning solutions.
Shielding film for rigid-flex board</br>(high step/uneven surface)

Main specifications

 Item SF-FT6010-US-C SF-FT6015-US-C
Transfer film thickness (white) 57μm 57μm
Total thickness (after pressing) 16μm 21μm
Protective layer thickness 6μm 6μm
Isotropic conductive adhesive layer thickness 10μm 15μm
Adhesive strength Above 3.0 N/cm Above 3.0 N/cm

Expiration date (refrigerated)

6months 6months

Examples of Use

  • The isotropic conductive adhesive fills high steps or uneven surfaces and meets the high-frequency range.

  • Improves resistance to ultrasonic cleaning.

Reference data

  • Shielding effect for electric field( KEC method)

  • Shielding effect for magnetic field( KEC method)

  • Coaxial tube method for Shielding effect (7mm Coaxial tube )

  • Step Evaluation

※All of the above data and figures are actual measured values, not guaranteed values.
